Tekst: Erika Tuulik
Nüüdseks juba 2 aastat tagasi sai algust tehtud "ÜKSILDUS ei küsi vanust" projekti kirjutamisega, pannes paika visiooni, eesmärgid, tegevused. Eesmärke sai päris mitu ja üks neist oli algusest peale kindel - me ei räägi üksilduse tundest ainult läbi fotolugude, aga pakkume seejuures ka selle "plaastri". Tõstatades üles ühiskonnas järjest aktuaalsemaks muutuva teema, kuid tehes seda teadlikult ning lisaks teema käsitlusele pakkudes ka lahendusi ning võimalusi üksilduse tundega toimetulekuks. Nii saigi algust korralik eeltöö, et leida need institutsioonid, kelle poole koostööks pöörduda. Interneti avarustest leiab nii mõndagi põnevat, aga "tark ei torma" ja langetab otsuseid põhjalikult süüvides, mis/kes selle pakutava info taga seisab. Nii nagu füüsilise tervise puhul meditsiinis, nii ilmselt ka vaimse tervise puhul kehtib üks kindel reegel: "Kui sa ei saa aidata, siis vähemalt ära kahjusta!". Ehk siis adekvaatse info ja professionaalide kaasamine oli äärmiselt oluline etapp kogu projekti käivitamise jooksul. Lisaks loomulikult see peegelduse vajadus esmalt pädevate institutsioonide poolt, et tehes enda arust nö. õiget asja, oleks sellele ideele positiivne hinnang ka vastava eriala esindajatelt. Nii juhtuski, et "komistasin" internetis sellisele lehele nagu VATEK!
Oli see vast tore leid, sest pean tõdema - kuulsin/lugesin sellest esimest korda. Seejuures ei teagi, kas peaks oma võhikluse pärast piinlikust tundma või mitte. Igaljuhul see avastus mind rõõmustas ja heameelega annan oma kasulikust leiust ka teile lühikese ülevaate.
VATEK - Eesti Vaimse Tervise ja Heaolu Koalitsioon
Uudistasin loomulikult ka VATEK-i üldist infot - eks ikka see inimlik uudishimu, et kust nad ikka selle raha saavad...:)? Tundsin end nagu kärbes meepurgis, kui sattusin lehele "liikmed". Ma ei kujutanud ettegi, et meil Eestis on nii palju erinevaid vaimse tervise spetsialiste. Popurii seinast seina - seda nimekirja lihtsalt peab ise uudistama. Iga liikme alt link tegijate lehele kust leiab häid ideid nii see, kes oma vaimset tervist säilitada/turgutada soovib, kui ka abi vajaja või abi vajajat märkaja. Seda kõike vaid paari klikiga. Sellised mõtted mu peas keerlesid VATEK-i kodulehte sirvides ning pikalt mõtlemata sai kohtumine paika pandud ja jutud räägitud. Nagu isegi aimata võite, siis ilmselt poleks seda projekti olnud, kui tagasiside julgustav poleks olnud. Karavan oli teele lükatud, kulgedes 12 kuuga läbi 8 linna ning jõudes 5.oktoobril Hopneri majja, et tänada kõiki, kes oma panuse on andnud, jagades tagasisidet ning heites pilgu tagasivaate peeglisse.
Siiras rõõm, et sellel liigutaval tänuüritusel liitus meiega ka VATEK-i esindaja Triin Peterson ning meiega oma mõtteid lahkelt jagas:
"Kuna tegu on tänusündmusega, on vast igati kohane, kui tänan minagi näitusesse panustajaid eesotsas Erikaga. Ja põhjust teid tunnustada on. Üllatavalt kattuvad minu eelnevalt valmis mõeldud punktid täpselt nende fotonäitusele seatud eesmärkidega, mida Erika äsja välja tõi.
Esiteks on tänuväärne, et projekt tõstab valgusesse sellise ühiskondlikult mahavaikitud murekoha, nagu seda on üksildus.Teiseks on näitusel päris inimeste päris lood, et öelda: isegi üksildust tundes ei ole me tegelikult üksi. Ka teised kogevad neid tundeid, neid hetki. Ja nad on valmis olema haavatavad, et luua sildu. See võib olla näituse külastajale nii vajalik julgustus, et ka ise end avada.
Ja lõpuks, ning vähemalt minu vaates ehk ka kõige olulisem aspekt näituse saamisloos: selge põhimõte, et kogetud kunstis ja lugudes end ära tundnud inimesele oleks näitusel pakkuda järgmine samm. Ja et need sammud said loodud koostöös vaimse tervise valdkonna ekspertidega. Suur aitäh selle eest!"
PS. Triin on vesteldes öelnud, et ta ei teagi, mis minu pöördumises teda kaasa elama tõmbas - nimelt ei olevat selliste projektide toetamine või nõustamine tegelikult väga VATEKi pärusmaa. Aga näed, mõnikord langevad klotsid täpselt sinna, kuhu nad langema peavad.
Tänud vastu Triin selle moraalse toetuse ja peegelduse eest!
Pildil: VATEK-i esindaja Triin Peterson
Hopneri maja tänuüritus 5.oktoober 2024

Emotsiooni jäädvustas fotograaf: Kalev Lilleorg
Already 2 years ago, the beginning was made with the writing of the project "LONELINESS has no age", establishing the vision, goals, and activities. There were quite a few goals, and one of them was certain from the beginning - we don't talk about the feeling of loneliness only through photo stories, but we also offer a "patch" for it. Bringing up a topic that is becoming more and more relevant in society, but doing it consciously and in addition to addressing the topic, also offering solutions and ways to cope with the feeling of loneliness. That's how proper preliminary work began to find the institutions to whom to approach for cooperation. There are many exciting things to be found in the expanses of the Internet, but "a wise man does not rush" and makes decisions by thoroughly investigating what/who is behind the information provided. As with physical health in medicine, one sure rule applies to mental health as well: "If you can't help, at least don't harm!". In other words, the inclusion of adequate information and professionals was an extremely important stage during the entire project launch. In addition, of course, this need for reflection first by the competent institutions, so that, in their opinion, the so-called the right thing, this idea would also receive a positive assessment from representatives of the relevant profession. That's how it happened that I "stumbled" on such a page on the Internet as VATEK!
It must have been a nice find, because I have to admit - I heard/read about it for the first time. At the same time, I don't know whether I should feel embarrassed about my ignorance or not. In any case, I was delighted with this discovery, and I am happy to give you a brief overview of my useful find.
VATEK - Estonian Mental Health and Well-Being Coalition
Of course, I also inquired about the general information of VATEK - isn't it human curiosity, where do they get this money...:)? I felt like a fly in a honey jar when I came across the "members" page. I had no idea that we have so many different mental health specialists in Estonia. List of specialists from wall to wall - you just have to explore this list yourself. Under each member, there is a link to the maker's page, where you can find good ideas for those who want to maintain/promote their mental health, as well as those who need help or those who notice a need for help. All this in just a few clicks. Such thoughts swirled in my head while browsing the VATEK website, and without thinking for a long time, the meeting was arranged and the stories were told. As you can guess, this project probably wouldn't have existed if the feedback hadn't been encouraging. The caravan was set off, passing through 8 cities in 12 months and arriving at Hopner's house on October 5th to thank everyone who contributed, sharing feedback and taking a look in the rearview mirror.
It is a sincere pleasure that Triin Peterson, a representative of VATEK, joined us at this touching thanksgiving event and kindly shared his thoughts with us:
"Since it's a thanksgiving event, it's probably only fitting that I also thank the contributors to the exhibition, led by Erika. And there's a reason to recognize you. Surprisingly, the points I had prepared in advance coincide exactly with the goals set for the photo exhibition, which Erika just mentioned.
First of all, it is appreciable that the project sheds light on such a socially silenced concern as loneliness.
Secondly, the exhibition has real stories of real people to say: even when we feel lonely, we are not really alone. Others also experience these feelings, these moments. And they are willing to be vulnerable to build bridges. This can be the much-needed encouragement for the exhibition visitor to open up himself.
Next, your decision to make a traveling and digital exhibition that would reach different corners of Estonia and reach as many people as possible is commendable.
And finally, and at least in my view, perhaps the most important aspect in the history of the exhibition: the clear principle that the exhibition would offer the next step to the person who recognized himself in the art and stories he experienced. And that these steps were created in collaboration with experts in the field of mental health. Thank you so much for that!"
P.S. During the conversation, Triin has said that she doesn't know what attracted her to join me in my appeal - namely, supporting or advising such projects is not really VATEK's domain. But you see, sometimes the blocks fall exactly where they're supposed to.
Thank you Triin for this moral support and reflection!